Usha Boola - Speech Therapist
I am a pediatric Speech therapist who has been practicing for the past 25 years. I graduated from the University of Witwatersrand and then worked at Charlotte
Maxeke hospital for 5 years. I decided my passion was in working with children. I then did a two year Course in Remedial education at the University of Johannesburg. Since then I have worked at many Private practises, Remedial centres and schools in Benoni. I havedone many courses to enhance my knowledge and treatment. I am proficient at assessing and treating an array of disorders ranging from feeding and swallowing disorders, cerebral
palsy, apraxia, autism, stuttering, pronunciation
difficulties, language delay as well as auditory processing and learning difficulties. I believe that each child is unique and aspire to provide therapy that is dynamic and interactive, equipping the child with skills, which he or she can use throughout their life. I enjoy working with a team of professionals so that together we can assess and treat the child holistically. I am eager to guide you and to empower you with the skills and knowledge to assist your
child through the most crucial years of his or her life. I believe that each child should be given the opportunity to excel.
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